Shelley Buschur Celebration
Oct. 9, 2021
Orange Show Center for Visionary Art
Joyce Day
Kat Mims
minding the space
Houston Artcar Klub
Bright Star Productions
Bill Day Sound Design
Rebecca Lowe
THANK YOU to everyone who was there for Shelley and Kirk in 2020, and who keeps showing up. Thanks also to everyone who helped make this event happen.
Kirk would especially like to thank:
Kristie Odom
Debbie Elliot
Lida Keene
Cathy Power
Chris Beckett
Chivon Jackson
Kevin Murphy
Kat Mims
Everyone at the Orange Show Center for Visionary Arts
Anthony Barilla
Nick Cooper
Malcolm Hackney
Raya Miller
Rebecca Lowe
Houston's A.s.s. - Anthony Barilla, Erin Rogers, Cathy Power, Jacob Bori
Cancega xicas unidas - Joyce Day, Chloe DeHoyos, Monica Villarreal
Free Radicals - Nick Cooper, Nick Gonzalez, Pete Sullivan, Marcos Melchor, James Edwards, Tavian Morgan
Family - Kirk Suddreath, partner; Kay Miron, aunt; Bob Miron, uncle; Hope LaFuente, cousin
Officiant - Rebecca Lowe
Click the link above to read the full obituary written by Jennifer Mathieu Blessington.