BrianBryanBryanTaylor Memorial Award
In 2004, HACK created the Brother BrianBryan Memorial Award to recognize the meritorious service of a member of the Klub for devotion to the Klub, artcars and going above and beyond in promoting the positive ideals of an artcar daily-driver lifestyle to the community at large. The one who walks the walk...
In 2024 we renamed the award the Brother BrianBryanBryanTaylor Memorial Award in memory of Reverend Santa Bryan Taylor who started this award and who we miss every day.

Brother BrianBryan, 1988

Reverend Santa Bryan Taylor 2023
Bryan Taylor tells his story of Brian Bryan, and how the Brother Brian Bryan Memorial Award came to be:
BrianBryan was one of Houston's true eccentric secrets. A participant in the very first Houston Art Car Parade way back in 1988 with his entry of "101 Howdys".
I knew BrianBryan primarily through his Club God ads. He would sell you a certificate for just $4.95, guaranteeing you salvation with no additional fees, church visits or declarations needed. His phone messages were funny, clever and always somewhat topical.
Later BrianBryan (not his real name and although I know it now, it just doesn't seem important so...) became famous again as the "Tie Guy". He would always have a bag of ties on him and would give them out willy nilly to any who would accept them.
He also began to make things with them, such as a car cover for his VW Bug. his tie clothes, and other fashion accessories were worn by many in the Houston area at one time or another.
His yellow VW covered with odd geometric shapes and random squiggles was a constant mainstay on Houston by-ways for well over a decade. A daily driver by the strictest definition; BrianBryan walked the walk and talked the talk.
We lost Brother BrianBryan in '03 and he is still greatly missed. Some of Houston's glamour of oddity suddenly dimmed a bit and has not shined as brightly since.
In 2004 HACK! created the Brother BrianBryan Memorial Award to recognize the meritorious service of a member of the Klub for devotion to the Klub, artcars, and going above and beyond in promoting the positive ideals of an artcar daily driver lifestyle to the community at large.
The award is presented at the Parade Awards Ceremony, and the recipient gets the trophy (a most tremendous trophy made by Johnny Rojas, with a car adorned with ties by Nicole Strine) for a full year, then they get to hand it over to the next year's winner.