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For those of you not familiar with the story ...
In 1995
Jack Updyke became the Patron Saint of Life on Wheels because he comes to the aid of, and works miracles (large and small) for wheeled artists, skaters, scooters, and cyles all around Houston. Instead of waiting for him to slip off this mortal coil to honor him, we celebrate his gifts and company each year on his birthday, February 14th!
A party of art cars, artcar artists, Houston skaters, scooters, cycles, and other wheeled modes of transportation.
Our color is BLUE,
our symbol is the WHEEL.
The Houston Art Car Klub celebrates Saint Jack's Day, on February 14th each year.
The annual gathering of wheeled advocates celebrating the birthday of St Jack, the Saint of Alternative Wheeled Lifestyles.
We're doing things a little different these days ... honoring the Saint Jack in all of us. Our own St. Jack is alive and well, and celebrating in his own way.
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